Who we are

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of England is a denomination of the Christian Church.

We are ‘evangelical’ because we believe, teach and preach the ‘Good News’ of salvation through faith alone in Jesus Christ. We are called ‘Lutheran’ in memory of Dr. Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, who lived in Germany from 1483-1546. Though there are now ELCE congregations in England, Scotland and Wales – our official name includes ‘Church of England’ because it is in London that our Synod had its first beginnings in 1896.

As a Church Body, the ELCE is not an ecclesiastical government exercising legislative or coercive powers. The ELCE carries out powers and responsibilities determined by its member congregations, as set by their delegates at annual synodical conventions.

The ELCE’s objectives are:

1. Proclamation of the Gospel and the strengthening and establishing
of congregations by the preaching of the Gospel.

2. The use together of whatever means that may be serviceable to the

3. The training of ministers and teachers for the service of the church.

4. The preservation and promotion of the unity of the true faith and
a united defence against error, schism and sectarianism.

5. The protection of congregations, Pastors and teachers in the performance
of their work and in the maintenance of their rights.

6. The encouragement of liturgical conformity.

Many of these functions are performed through committees established by Synod. An example of such a committee is The Commission on Theological and Social Concerns; another is The Lutheran Women’s League of Great Britain (LWLGB).

What Lutherans Believe and Teach

The ELCE accepts without reservation all of the teachings of Holy Scripture, the inspired and infallible Word of God.  Dr Martin Luther’s Small Catechism is universally accepted by Lutherans and widely used as a simple summary of the Bible’s teachings.

The Small Catechism is one of the writings contained in the Book of Concord. Lutherans commit themselves to these confessional documents because they are a completely faithful exposition of Holy Scripture. [The Book of Concord may be found on-line at www.bookofconcord.org (opens new window)].

The history of Lutherans in Britain

To read about the history of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain, click on the front cover below (opens a new window).

Story of Lutherans in Britain

At the 50th ELCE Synod, held at the ELCE’s most recent congregation; Ascension Lutheran Church in Brandon; Revd Rakow presented “50 Years of the Lord’s Favour”.

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